Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIl-KingKryss-lIl, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Lol balanced builds FTW
  2. @ Avenger there is no way you can take out a pure spy with your weak spy's :lol: :lol:
  3. It the WTF build.

    You noobs are all.... Noobs..
  4. I agree ^ wtf build or turtle build FTW.....
  5. If I had to start all over I would have all my troop buildings TL's since the actual buildings mean so little as compared to the importance of bfa...TL's give most plunder, atk stats are cheaper and easier to find in ally stats. As for spy buildings..if u only EB, keep guilds. If not, I would have about 5 SOS and 5 spy towers (more towers, less sos during war times)
  6. Would it not be all defensive towers ??
  7. Lol my build can in fact take out pure spy's. Ask my clannies they watched in our last war as I pinned a HLBC spy
  8. Spragga build ;)
  9. Avenger thats not hard.. Scout bombing takes no talent
  10. What A1 said though. Best build is what you want.. Play as you please
  11. I (lol'd) at the over 9000 comment 
  12. for the best stats, it'd be 49 SoS, as MsB said earlier. however, i wouldn't do that for the simple fact that you are a huge target for anyone with a spy building up. my war build is 43 CoE, 1 SoS, and 5 SD towers. currently, this is my plunder build. as A1 said before, it all depends on your playing style.
  13. 49 lvl 4 stables, all with Spragga unicorns and Benny saddles, castle up to level Swabia with your altar or whatever giving you fifteen mithril a day.
  14. Not scout bombing I straight up ass assinated and stole when they where low.
  15. I added attack builds and found titans layer gives the most combined stats by 400-600 points.
  16. @-6006- Yeah he may have great attack stats, but his spy attack/defense stats are terrible.