Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Sep 29, 2012.

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  1. Roch, if you're under the impression that I activly read all of your posts and stay up to date on your personal current events you're way off. I have no clue what pinky posted, I don't stalk him either.
  2. Eric. Respect to you, sir.
  3. :lol: just like you. You used to support me. You gave me my starting build/game advice! But as soon as one person turns, the rest of you turn.
  4. Never said you actively follow my posts. But all of you are talking like you know me, so it seems like you do.
  5. I'll always support you Roch. You're my friend, and I might not always agree with what you say, but that's ok.
  6. I didn't recieve the memo ever...
  7. I helped you because I felt the need to help you. If I stayed friends with every single noob I helped I wouldn't be a very good farmer or warrior now would I? :lol: You're obviously mistaking my random act of kindness for long lasting friendship.

    When did I act like I know you? I hardly know anything about you.

    Also, if I support you on a subject it's because I agree with your opinion on said subject. Not because I like you.
  8. Oh well. No explanations or reasons coming from my end anymore :D I answer to know one. I know where my friends lie. I'm good.

    Now back to your regular programming
  9. @Roch

    Even "supporters" of you say you're an arrogant twit.
  10. All I did was ask a question..and fyi I'm nice and didn't back out of anything except a group setting!

    I support that idea of wwkpd but never asked for that many wall requests to join a "group"

    Roch don't come at me like that I kinda feel hungry!

    Merc squad ftw!
  11. no*

    Spelling roch, spelling.

    You obviously don't know who your friends are if you thought I was one :lol: Your posts keep going down and down and down roch... step it up a bit 
  12. Ahaha. Hmmmm hi Frank, did you ever stop to think that might be due to the fact that, oh, I don't know... It's getting later and later?

    Aw man. Now I've gone and explained meself..
    ^ hey. I spelled that one wrong on purpose!
    Too bad for me. Auto correct cant correct em all :(
  13. Never said you were my friend dear. I said you used to be nice.

    Hey IGCB. I'm not an arrogant twit. I'm an opinionated *****.

    @Both of you: There's a difference.

    Sorry. A sleep Rochie is a fiesty one!
  14. Correction..sleepy roch is noobish
  15. No, auto correct can't fix stupid. You'll never change.
  16. Frankenstein said he agreed with me 3 months and 16 days ago, we exchange nudes and become lovers now?
  17. No, you're an arrogant twit.
  18. Blaming your cognative thought process flaws on the time of day? Really? You can still think at 4am can't you? Your thought process won't change. Don't blame your posting flaws on the big bad scary night time darkness :lol: Just accept the fact that you're nervous and can't peice together anything that's worth reading, lol.
  19. Those were meant for me Eric.... How could you franken?.
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