Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Sep 29, 2012.

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  1. You tell him.
  2. The fact of the matter is if you're given a cf with any war clan, don't think it's fine to keep trash talking and hitting the fivers of said cf. You're wrong you will not be given leniency you will be treated as a liar and a fool for apologizing and then thinking it's ok to keep acting like an ass.
    It would have served you best Alison to farm away from that family but I'm sure It's hard to find other targets not in KotFE. It must be frustrating to only see KotFE TS CR and the rest in your BL nobody else shows up I guess... Bake a pie eat a pie.
  3. Ferbreezed*
  4. @JAC- very nicely put.
     back on topic guys. I'm not the topic. Another Alison vs KotFE is the topic at hand.
    And how she should have known she'd have to pay if she stuck her hand back in the cookie jar. She did it anyway, and got caught.
  5. [​IMG]

  6. Lmfao arkst  I haven't seen that in a while :lol:
  7. Wow. Thanks Arkst.
  8. Too bad I'm not upset :D but whatevs. You guys think whatever you want. I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I tell it how I see it. Always have, always will, in game or out of game. Like it or not. Sometimes I'll get in trouble because of it, but nothing you say or do will change it.
    Deuces 
  9. No Roch, me ******** on you is the topic.
  10. With that said this thread is not a war thread it's just like any other thread posted saying "I'm being farmed by so and so, meh" as far as I'm concerned it's trash and spam. Why oh why do the forums deserve such poor quality and scrubs feeling the need to act a fool and play the "I suck and made a bobo, tossed dirt in someones face who told me to bugger off and now I'm naked and this game sucks boohoo" it should be locked.
  11. *hopes to be forum president next term*
  12. :lol: @jac- I don't see Alison whining? I guess you missed the last Alison Vs. KotFE fiasco.
  13. Arkst u may have my vote!

    @roch didn't you make a forum quit thread?
  14. No, I didn't miss it roch but the fact remains it's like any situation like this. It's terribly simple as a fighter I respect Alison but it turns to whining after she is farmed silly for weeks or months and quits and pouts and cries and comes back and moans. Oh sorry also resetting her original guild hansel and dropping build and writing a good apology.

    Now that said this is what it is a thread stating I bit the hand of Michael Vick now I'm being treated like a bad dog and being farmed again and bringing it to forums. Yes, we get it you're stubborn and like to farm but if this was posted by another player would we all not treat it as it is and say who cares suck it up forums don't care about you being farmed.
  15. @Pinky didn't you used to be a nicer person? Oh look. Now we're both wrong! I don't owe you any explanation, so you don't get one. I know why I'm still here. The people who matter know why I'm still here. Good enough for me :D
  16. Roch - Pinky is in Last Rights. Since when wa he nice? He's nice to people like him, not to people like you.
  17. Hooray that will get me 3 votes in total since I've been here - the previous 2 from intimidation :lol:
  18. He used to be nice. Until it became public that all of us were 'friends' Then he turned his back quicker than anyone could blink. Or did you miss all of the support he placed on my thread until it backfired?
  19. Pinky needs to post again. We'll have our merc team all assembled.
  20. You didn't get the memo....
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