Alison honestly shut up, if it gonna be an idiot than expect this. Sure it's fine if u enjoy it but u just cry about it
@Roch Usually people who apologize and surrender don't talk **** about that clan after the fact. I know you're stupid, but come on.
And Alison, you don't have to get the "memo" per-say to understand that when someone removes their foot from your ass, you stay quiet. Unless, of course! You like being getting ganged up on by KotFE members! Who would of ******* thought?!
@ igcb. I didn't talk . I got caught stealing a kotfe machine with my new volary. Stupid volary. There as useful as a stale egg
According to the SS, you were talking someone. And knowing you, it was ****, in context and hilarity. Just post your apology, err nvm, just open wide. I liked seeing all the dumb asses parade in Cheese thread. You know, the ones "fighting the good fight". Who would have thought talking **** would get you hit?!
@IGCB- did I talk **** about KotFE? No. I said try not to get your apologies mixed up. You know as well as I do how many cf requests they probably get.
No point putting in my 2 cents, IGCB already laid it out. Sit back and watch the tears gain some noob support.
@Rch Of course I do, but you said they mixed it up with you. So you talked ****? Sit down, shut up, and be a good little noob with your WWKPD or w/e it's called.
Cool, let's make a thread again! So who's going to play white knight this time, now that KotFE made Cheese quit?
Go get forum banned again you stupid noob. I told you guys he wouldn't change. You're ******* muff kid.
I don't have alts dipshit, and stop trying to be Alisons knight in dickless armor. She ran her mouth, got caught hitting a machine after her surrender. Pretty sure it's her stupidity that's got her in this predicament.