EE exploit, I up you SH clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. How About gather a few clans why are done with the sh roster. Unite them. Then just farm sh clans untill they stop using a sh only roster
  2. how about i just farm you? ^
  3. Won't work unless you have top 20 lb who are not plunderable. You are not a very big tank.

    You obviously have not clued in that the devs match on hit ratio, strength plays little to no difference in matches. Stop mercing at clans in wc, of course you are going to lose majority of wars you do. No good clan that understands how matches are made take wc mercs. Good luck though.
  4. I already created 2 sh counter plans :)
  5.  no self respecting KaWer posts with a statless alt. Man up buttercup.
  6. Would work until someone bought you in middle of war and you got bars run on your wide open acct.
  7. Your plan wont work. The players u get matched with will ALL be able to hit targets. So, while u have untargetable players, this leaves your targetable players under increased pressure as they're the only targets. Your plan will fail. Nice of u to try <3
  8. Go all Bigs to match LB stacked or go sh. Thats what ee has turn too. Going all sh just easier right now.
  9. Goliath, that would put 1 million whopping gold out. That's 1-2 hits.
  10. Just use a bunch of haxor builds
  11. It would work if all the towered builds were around 2-4 mill cs ... About the same cs as a sh it would just take the spot of an sh on roster like ps do now ...

    That being said ur tops would need to be very large to be outside of most sh range (obviously some ssh can hit into 2nd page lb players) but they wouldn't matter as they won't win

    Only time that roster would have any issues is when it faced a clan of 5-7 tops (bigs) that might be able to overwhelm ur 2-3 tops just with shear numbers of att

    But there is a balance to get u could avoid that and yes it would work

    While those towered builds would be in range of sh like u said they would be unhittable (made up word) so ur hit ratio would work fine I just doubt ud ever match clans ur looking for
  12. Other issue ud have is that those small towered accounts wouldn't receive mith if I'm not mistaken u need atleast 1 action to get mith (unless I'm wrong and I might be haven't had an inactive and won in far too long)
  13. Ps can leak though 

    These builds wouldn't leak
  14. FreeFood is completely right mid ranged clans are obsolete now.
  15. It might work but who's gonna drop build to earning $500 from HTE?
  16. I'm not saying they would ... Just saying they are a straight replacement for sh like ps are used in larger clans just something to give u hit ratio and a little size u need to get a match
  17. Wouldn't they be open to hits and steals if they had gold out?
  18. Alts of the tops taking turns wining wars would easily change their small builds if it meant a ton off we wins ... Look at all the jack offs that dropped mains to e gh/sh
  19. Yes but how would they have gold out no allies no pots no troops