The battle list is people who are on line. Do u ever notice on paw that u have no hits then as soon as u log on BAM pinned. That's because u go straight on the battle list when u go active. That's my belief anyway as I found this to always happen.
Lol... Battle Lists have no inactives. Please DO NOT use Battle List The Inactive you're farming for ever so long is definitely once a month player or once a week player. He logs on, checks, does some quests, logs off. It's to keep his account live.
If the "inactives" u have been farming for days, suddenly farmed u back. Don't be surprised. U should go find another inactive. Because he might is back.. Lol it happens.
Check if ur farm is pro status. I dont think the devs reset pro status account. Money kept it alive lol Experience from one of my inactive allies
Yepps. To all those who've been farming me. STOP. I'll farm you back if you're in my news.