Possible ' No matchup' solution

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Beowulf-, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. I do not think either clan should know before they accept the next best match though. Example: "Your clan has no even matchup. Would you like to accept the next best match."

    Then clans can't decline simply because they know they have the disadvantage
  2. Gnaard:

    Are you simply stating that we should have the option to accept/decline the war - instead of a computer deciding for you?

    That's what I am reading.

    I want you to think about that, an the complaints that will come with it, just like all of the other complaints that have come with this.

    The answer to the unfair matchups was a "no-match" scenario.

    Now you want to dissect the fix and make it more complicated by adding the ability for us "highly professional and intellectual" players to have an option.

    Like we won't piss and moan about something else.

    Lets say thank you for the fix and get on with the damn season.
  3. Black doesnt show up on forums from PC very well.

    Been using this color without many complaints for over 2 years now. So how about maybe you turn the brightness down on your screen instead ok :mrgreen:

  4. [​IMG]
  5. What I'm saying is if the computer cannot come up with a match but it can show us a possible match that is not deemed suitable then can we as humans say yes or no we accept or decline ....... Yes this is not perfect but surely it can be explored and that is my whole point .......
  6. Good suggestion.

    But as a collective pool of indecisive morons, we are not better than a computer.

    We suck.

    Gimme some pie.
  7. How about no matchup gets you a participation reward. Maybe 1 mith per attendee or a gold payout relative to your size. Obviously no reward is going to make anyone happy with " no matchup found" but at least you won't get nothing.

  8. How do you do that in a situation where there are 3 clans who don't get a match?
    1) very strong clan
    1) middle of the road clan
    1) very weak clan

  9. I think the fear was that it creates the potential for abuse.
    I take Wulf and an entire clan of T1 people off WC and enter with max numbers and mimumum strength to try and force a no-match and get free mith for no work.

    However, if more than one person does this then boom - 1 insane war lol.

    so... I kinda support this.
    A kick back of maybe 5 -10 mith for taking the time and effort to organize and plan a war that didnt happen. It may even boost number of clans warring - IDK.

    Someone show me what I am missing. How can this be abused? I feel like I am missing something.
  10. Support, especially from this small clan of mine
  11. Id suggest a completely seperate solution depending on how hard it would be to implement. If no match occurs, give an option to join a *created war, everyone chooses either att/hans/hybrid and has all stats artificially set to a standard hlbc stat. Then ppl war clan with closest numbers, everyone gets to war. Yes youll have to max pots/mith but i hope everyone is doing that anyways
  12. @Wulf I'm thimking two clans with one heavy hitter and a boatload of T1 builds could be alot of fun
  13. I'll use crayons to explain it next time
  14. What's worse? Continuous support for a doomed suggestion (these are the ppl who support mindlessly and are still allowed to vote) or proposing additional senseless suggestions in the same thread?
  15. Sticky! And support
  16. Support
  17. I must add though that the match ups are getting better when clans are matched up