Possible ' No matchup' solution

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Beowulf-, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. This suggestion only works if two consecutively ranked clans receive no match,,,it is not feasible
  2. Does anyone even think before supporting something?
  3. No angel, if two clans who are say 6 members difference but one is 31 strength and the other is 29 then you can decide whether you want to war or not.
  4. Support, I also think we should get something for no war, people have give up plans and put time in for war therefore we would like something to compensate like 60 mith for every clan that has not had the opportunity to war
  5. Reply to me when you understand my first post on this thread
  6. At the end of sign-ups all clans either get notified of war or no match-up, it's impossible to be consecutive, only instantaneous...
  7. ^ Angel has a point...
    Also, this won't work 100% if the number of sign-ups is odd. There will be at least one clan left out...
  8. Support op!!! clan early didn't get matched up really suxs
  9. Well even if this idea doesn't work %100 it at least gives the Devs an idea to implement a new, based off this idea, So yea ill support!
  10. Support 100%
  11. It is possible to be consecutive. Why don't you try to think before drawing conclusions?


    Suppose 6 clans signed up: A, B, C, D, E, and F. A is the strongest in terms of combined strength and numbers, E the weakest.

    With threshold in place:
    A and B are within the system's threshold to get a match, B and D are not.
    E and F are not within the threshold to match, but D and E are.
    Therefore, the system matches A with B and D with E.
    C and F get no match.
    -4 clans in good matches.

    Without the threshold:
    System matches A with B, C with D, and E with F. Everyone should be happy right? Apparently not because D and F have been forced into a bad matchup. The only war with a good matchup is A and B here.
    2 clans with a good matchup.

    Now "good matchup" is relative. Everyone has seen or experienced bad matchups and the threshold proposes to help with that.

    You may also argue that D could be capable of defeating C. Will this always be the case in a bad matchup?

    To the ppl supporting this suggestion, in order to have an option to accept / reject in a system with a threshold, who would B accept or reject the war against? E? Nope. That would only work if C also had a no matchup.

    If you remove the threshold, should D and E have to depend on C and F to decide if a war will happen or not? You now create a scenario where 4 clans may not get to war.
  12. Angel ...... You are looking to deep into the workings of the match ups ..... My idea was merely a clan gets the choice to fight a war that maybe on paper is tough draw ..... They then choose to accept or decline ...... But at least they had a choice ...........
  13. If you read my previous reply, you'd perhaps see why this suggestion will be rejected.

    I'm not looking at it with deeply and factoring in the complexity. My example was an over simplification
  14. Don't put any effort to reply to me if you're not going to put in the effort to read my example in its entirety
  15. Maybe if I draw you a picture you will understand the flaw in this system that Angel has already tried to point out.

    The "Strength" column numbers simply represent a simplified tally of the system's method of determining strength.

    It is my understanding that the above scenario is a watered down version of common "no match" results.
  16. Wulf - I'm not saying angel is wrong in pointing out the flaws in my suggestion - what I'm saying is rather than a computer come up with a no match scenario I'm asking can two clan owners / admins agree to war when the odds clearly favour one clan.

    This will be a human decision with each clan accepting to war fully aware of the advantage / dis advantage they have
  17. You have incredible faith in the human decision