Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Doom_Master, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. I made the last one post ideas there then we make infection rebirth
  2. What does kicker mean
  3. I will brb
  4. I'll be super zombie. And I think we need human combat npc's.
  5. What does he mean
  6. Ok since no more rp threads are taking off and manbearpig5 has been farming me I am recrating this thread on pal to save ur "forum space" for posts like kaw town and the other threads so all who want to have a fun time rping join the pal group infection
  7. Since the name infection is taken the name will be infection reborn
  8. I created a thread
  9. Hehehe since doom said this is what infection sposed to be like. BUMP!!!
  10. Relly? That's retarded to bump this.
  11. rofl let it die dude
  12. Hahaha i did it. But whatever.
  13. Let it die cheese messed up the other one
  14. Bump, to commemorate infection for being one of the biggest and most popular RP threads ever. The original was deleted.(almost 3000 posts in two days.) and the true second one was locked. It was greater than kaw town. Kaw town is often imitated, but infection was a hidden gem. I never realized the scope of it until now.

    R.I.P infection
  15. Can I be a hunter?