
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Liquid__, Oct 4, 2010.

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  1. I trow a uppercut at your wound, coming at u fast.
  2. And slashes doom in the side (pertty deep) then backs off killing three more wolfs
  3. *gets hit by punch staggers then knees dooms gut*
  4. U can't insta wound me, u have to give the other person a chance to react
  5. Kicker not german
  6. Runs to German slashes the zombie and guides him to saftey till he gets his feet back and runs with him back in
  7. Oh.....scratch early post then lol
  8. I didn't kill u I just hurt u then ran plus u got the unlimited respawns
  9. Falls forward and grabs your ankle and pulls u down, I get ready to bite.
  10. Slashes zombies with sukkao (my upgraded sword)
  11. Because u can't allways see some1 coming but we can't kill u
  12. Kicker, I would has seen u, and even if I didn't I would of had time to retaliate
  13. *throws rock at dooms face and another at his ear*get off him
  14. Twists then sticks sword up
  15. Flesh on the top of my head splits as I crawl back
  16. Gets back up and raises swords
  17. Grabs a pitchfork from the hay and waits for your next move.
  18. Truns around and stabs a wolf
  19. Come on guys post
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