TIER 5

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by knockonheavensdoor_1967, Jan 20, 2012.

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  1. Still, why **** on the majority. Especially when ATA has said they're gonna do numerous things before T5.
  2. The devs likely want a bigger playerbase before going updates. The bigger the playerbase, the more likely people will spend their money from Christmas gift cards here. It just makes more sense to wait until the LB is full of people with filled up ally slots to me.
  3. I highly highly highly doubt T5 will be anywhere in next 6 months. KaW will go downhill. As stated before me, far too few HLBC. Far too few.
  4. What about the new lands I keep hearing about, The Wet Lands?
  5. 4-5k hcbc players vs 400k non hcbc players?
  6. I highly doubt any new lands will be available either. I took over a year just to get highlands.
  7. @shifter

    Look at the KaW Facebook page. That should tell you how much of the players are active monthly.
  8. Yeah...im not gonna look at the kaw facebook page or follow them on twitter lol.
  9. Last time I checked it was 30k monthly or something like that.
  10. Moose said he hadn't heard they had plans on it. Players were aggravated about the speed at which the highlands came right after T4 and typically ATA listens to negative feedback.

    Also, farmfest is next weekend, see you on your messages screen.
  11. That's Facebook. not Mochi or idevice  there could be more active than that
  12. whats FarmFEST 2012??
  13. Here's what will happen, based on previous events.

    I will HLBC. Yay!

    One week later... T5!

    Me: uuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh

    Happened with T4:/
  14. There has been no news that T5 is coming out in the near future. As soon as any info from the devs regarding T5 comes out, I will be the first to let everyone know (in a thread crying about how I just hlbc'ed and its soooo unfair and another thread entitled "How to steal your Jewish Husbands credit card")

    I'm sure T5 will come out one day (because I have a bet with Corinthian that it will, so I have to win)- but no- no T5 yet.
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