KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. *captures all the escaped cookies and makes them into cookie sammiches with icecream inbetween* cookie sammiches!!!
  3. The ships on auto pilot
  4. *gives cass a cookie sammich*
  5. Me to! Me to! Plz?
  6. I'll give you this motercycle if you give me a cookie sammich!!!
  7. *steals deaths motercycle* MUHAHAAHAHA
  8. . Wait. Hey i found another one!! Yay!!!!!!!
  9. *gives cookie-sammiches to everyone who wants one* :)
  10. {guys seriously. Just because i only see him 3 times a year doesnt mean we have 'fun' 24/7 when we are together ya know}
    on that note, *goes to otakon with xavier*
  11. *noms on a cookie-sammich* yummy
  12. * is cosplaying as huruhi suzumiya at otakon with xavier*
  13. yay for jumping off cruise ships!
  14. I Getz a cookie sammich!!! Nom nom nom