KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. your flavour is yummy?
  2. why not irc?
  3. Cruise update: we are arriving in...... Err the island with Honolulu on it. So be prepared
  4. *assassinates cass*
  5. Burns mass. Oh wait. Why did you kill two monkeys in a coat???
  6. *shoots deathzone in the head and pushes body over the boat*
  7. Card army marches in
  8. *takes a flame thrower and lights the cards on fire*
  9. Ok you burned 3 and they had punch!!
  10. U pushed a dummy over the edge. I was on the bridge driving the boat
  11. 
  12. 
  13. We can join forces and be the most powerful
  14. 
  15. Bjorb did u write the story