KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. I gotta nautical jtheme pass me the afgan
  2. I'm the king of the world on a boat like Leo if ur on the shore the shore ain't real
  3.  i forgot to give you that
  4. Get ur calvins ready it's about to go down
  5. (new song) ...BLACK EYES FROM ACROSS THE ROOM....
  7. ...down my drink as the rythems boom....
  8. (near the end of the song) .....i open my window and a breeze rolls in and I j1zz in my pants....
  9. *kicks mas* no one cares
  10. ...I ate a grape and I j1zzed in my pants....
  11. You must go threw hundreds of new pants everyday
  12. Jay for u its shirts
  13. (new song)....WELCOME TO THE SPACE OLYMPICS THE YEAR 3022.....
  14. so it would seem