KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. *grabs a Teddy bear and coddled*
  2. *trys to run into a room but runs into a glass door*
  3. *lays down on couch*
  4. i think i broke the door...oh and i think i sprained my wrist but idc
  5. No i broke down the doors
  6. i ran into a glass one
  7. Good job keeping the health care in business!!!
  8. well sombody has to give tem somthing to do
  9. True

    Where's the nurse?
  10. i dunno but i think cassy was a nurse for a while
  11. does mouth to mouth work for sprained wrist?
  12. ill be a nurse to help jay
  13. *gives mouth to mouth*
  14. ahhhh scary lady is giving me mouth to mouth