KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. *dances with xavier*

    *falls overboard and washes up on island with xavier*
  2. Rolls into water and washes up on same island away from dark-side
  3. *kills galastic with a coconut*
  4. My men bomb the island and retreat
  5. because being on an island with your lover is romantic and you were killing the vibe
  6. *i shoot ur men from far away*
  7. I was on the other side
  8. I'm still alive dark-side
  9. Barrett 50 cal snipes all your heads and my men retreat
  10. and you stunk to high heaven too so i killed you and threw you in the water

    and anyways you would probably come and be like "can i borrow sugar"
    so i killed you so you wouldnt interrupt
  11. Nope and I'm in a cave
  12. * youknowwhathappensnow *
  13. Bleeding like crazy by the 32 bullets shot I to me