KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. *isn't interested but offers sammich a cookie sammich*
  2. ****!!!
    The pilice r following me *hides*
  3. Kills cops can I join GR
  4. *walks out of room and beats the police officer till their medulla oblongata falls out*
  5. Thanks tigaz! OM NOM NOM NOM!!!
  6. Cass my scouts are still on search
  7. Looks for dark-side
  8. Haha crap a guard got sniped my the axis
  9. Grabs a dessert eagle and looks for dark-side
  10. The otha dark said he gav up
  11. No I'm still looking
  12. Y r we beating people up onacruise?
  13. Because we left the city on this boat
  14. *takes a chainsaw to dark*


    Oops.. I think I killed him!
  15. No what your one girl I'm 1000000000000000000000000000,0000000000000000000000,000000000000000000000000,0000000000000000 soldiers
  16. This is like s murder cruise ... I should left when i had a chance