KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. rika is a kinda scary maid
  2. Rika the kind of cleaning u do is not rlly wanted 
  3. What cleaning do u do?
  4. Baw well that's too bad. ;n;
  5. Eheheh... Not the kind of "cleaning" I'm allowed to mention on this site.
  6. nobody on this ship is like that rika
  7. Again. That's too bad. ;n; Perhaps I should change professions to nurse? -pulls out needle-
  8. *wanders around offering cookies and cookie sammiches*
  9. *runs behind jay hiding from rika*
  10. rika only room youll get to clean is the honeymoon suitekish and xavier booked it 1stit has a hot tub and chocolate fountain
  11. Lemme guess. In that syringe is an illegal drug that's not used for medicinal purposes
  12. Ooooohhhhh can I have a cookie sammich? :3
  13. That was delicious. The chocolate fountain, that is.
  14. Perhaps. You decide, Gloomi. -evil grin-
  15. i take it kish tainted the chocolate fountain
  16. i just stuck my face in :3
  17. Did y say chocolate 