KaW Cruiseline

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. *starts coughing up water*
  2. this was a bad ideamy throat hurts
  3. hehehe *hands out cookies and coomie sammiches*
  4. so why is iJay trying to get himself killed? wouldn't it be eassier to just do something cute ... like steal a kiss?
  5. Its ijay he thinks of a stupid plan 1st and then no smart ones
  6. Oh well ... we still luv the crazy nut!!
  7. talking about crazy nuts, maybe i should have a cookie with crazy nutz in them

    hey iJay would u like to volunteer for the crazy nut in m'cookies?
  8. Yes I am really that fun in RL
  9. Can I send advertisemnts to the cruiseline guests? I'll sponsor you with 
  10. Okay *takes money and runs...jk
  11. Popcorn stand is now open
  12. *offers cookie sammiches*
  13. Go to the city of war thread for pool and popcorn!

    *passes Cassandra*