Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Lolz
  2. Bench press I topped out at 360lbs. Back to about 280 after I broke my wrist doing dead lifts
  3. I declare myself winner of this round : first one to answer both questions ;)

  4. I answered both first.
  5. You did what to dead lift? :shock: :lol:
  6. Yup DEADLIFTER wins!

    Next Q!

    Name the team
  7. Brazzers pre game?
  8. ️
  10. Dead wins again!


  11. Dead wins again
    Atleast I think so
  12. hacker
  13. ashes the chick in that photo, elizabeth garner was charged with sexual assault lmao, on a 12 year old boy :lol:
  14. Right...What if I'm actually Ashes' alt and I already know my own answers??
  15. DEADLIFTER is my main

    Ok next Q coming right up
  16. That would mean you spend way too much time on this game.