Fading Fast New characters!!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. Guessing hes evil but...
  2. Dayum. He sounds really creepy.. Lol maybe i can use invisibility to ride yur animals around in circles and not getz killed xD
  3. I'm happy you feel that way >:)
  4. A source-altered mutant that can change the attitude and form of things around it.....

    ABSOLUTELY GENIUS!!!!! Approved!
  5. Sweet! That sure did make my day
  6. I just have to find a way to smoothly incorporate him into the story. Making a character entrance isn't easy, you know.
  7. I completely understand try having a character stumble into a forest and have him/her bump into horrin
  8. Yeah, I was thinking of that, but the porblem with it is that all the characters are either in space or lost in the middle of nowhere, so it may actually be a few chapters before he comes in.
  9. So who got picked? (I kinda wanna change my power.  Can it be comtrol over humans? Sorta like mind control I can make them do what I want whenever I want and they will never remember a thing)
  10. I wanna be in it 
  11. Spottedleaf we have a mind control
  12. How about animal mind control?
  13. Idk if youre still looking for a character, but maybe this one?
    Name: Raea (ray-a)
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Long gold hair, green eyes, some freckles, tattoo design around ankles
    Power: Control of light, sun, that kind of stuff
    Weakness: Darkness
    History: born on a farm, when weird things began happening her family abandoned her at 11 yers old, from then on she wandered around and learned to better control her powers
  14. LadyNire, that could counter Luther's character, so it could make the story interesting, but to (I forget), the animal mid control thing, honestly, I think goes to whoever said Horrin.
  15. Hmm about someone that absorbs powers? Can that be zans power?
    His weakness: He has to weaken his target before absorbing their powers.
    Bio: He was the only source that was not released due to his destructive tendencies.
    Hope that helps. :D