Name:Gunner Age:24 Source of power:fire bio: He was capured and used to test "powers". He decided to break out at 19. Moar soon
Missing less than expected lol Weakness:When he uses his powers for too long, an injection he got at the lab kicks in to stop him,causing him to not be able to use fire,faint,or
This is sad, I pressed submit by mistake AGAIN Appearance: white skin,long blonde hair and brown eyes Finally DON3
Well, I was hoping there would be more ideas. Also, I was hoping for characters that were different from the ones already in. POWERS AlREADY TAKEN (In story) Mind-stuff. Electricity shadows. fire air invisibility ALL SUBMITIONS WITH THESE POWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please make characters with powers that aren't these. Thank you, good night.
Name: Rory Age: 16 Appearance: Shaggy black hair, hazel eyes, tall and strong Source Power: Can manipulate sound. Ex: Can imitate a bird call, a person's voice, etc. Personality: Silly, friendly, nearly never serious Bio: Lived with a rather dull and quiet family. He is the only child of his family and always caused trouble. Weakness: Cannot manipulate sound or has trouble doing so in place with an echo.
By Mind stuff do u mean dream stuff U r awesome Mined by askin what is fading fast about Ps whats the deadline
Nvm I know it dosent lol RESTART No... Same thing... But power will be... Teleporting... Is that ok...
By teleporting eg teleporting behind a guard and pwning him yay! I get to pwn people forever, wait just remembered 'bout my weakness. Only so many teleports a day
Cortana remake Name: Maria Source of power: Oh damn I wish she could do dream stuff Personality: Maria has no mercy and would kill a thousand girl toddlers If any1 wanted her to secretly she has a soft side for.....,..... No idea I just want love!!!! Bio: NFC classified. Code 372723