
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -llVll---CAREBEAR---llVll-, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. dont sell yourself short LB, you are great
  2. Actually there was an interesting article analyzing text speak in New Scientist a couple weeks ago. The April 6 issue, I think. A good read.
  3. ahhhhh…sucks to suck, doesnt it?
  4. Only if u suck at sucking
  5. Then you would still suck.
  6. Lmfao cyn. dammit
  7. Should I lock this now?
  8. sarcasm is beautiful
  9. You should have locked this on page 1 OP
  10. what cyn said.
  11. Don't get me wrong. I love teh pvpz

    Just not the forum wars that accompany it
  12. Why lock it? You can report all your other ******** here for everyone to see.
  13. Lol bro , still at HB anyone can check
  14. Everyone keep calm and gangnam style

    Then get your following YouTube hit banned from South Korea for kicking over a No Parking cone
  15. Ladies, you are both pretty, now shut the **** up.

    Just let bygones be bygones and forget this ever happened. Cuz honeslty, no one wants to see this ****. And theres this cool thing ATA gives you. What is it called…i donno…oh yeah! a private message system. Try it some ******* time. Perm silenced? Kudos to the dumbass who got silenced.
  16. parking cones are always in the worst spots. kicking one is understandable if you ask me.
  17. Ladyboss? Who the **** you calling a dumbass?