
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -llVll---CAREBEAR---llVll-, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Lied? Everyone here is on your wagon. Lied about what? This started a little less then a week ago. You talked **** first, so I talked **** back. The posts are still there too. About 0ing your spies I NEVER referred to this very moment. Good for you. Your a legend for making this thread.
  2. You mother fuckers just killed my brain cells.
  3. Don't worry Rp.. Not anymore are dying than you doing your normal routine.
  4. Lol so much for "pinning" troops huh? I reached half bar before being attacked lol.
    And the hits didn't start After the comments, we BOTH know that. The hits started while I was bored hitting haunts and saw you on forums. Which was Friday.
  5. Yeah, cuz im around some dumbass people everyday. Its called school.
  6. IT'S called school.
  7. And im talking in text language, so i can say "cuz", tyvm.
  8. what does school have to with price of beer in china?
  9. How about I keep this simple booty. Ill hit you for as long as I want, whenever I want and I'll make sure you know who it is. You're never leaving my banner and ill always find time for you simple enough right?
  10. text language isnt official yet wtf omg
  11. isn't* 

    Nah jk I like pinky