Version 2.0 ally market prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Pandora, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Nice a1. 
  2. Thanks took me a while to find it last night. No search on iPod 
  3. You should make a spy/hansel version as there prices are always much higher for the same stats....
  4. This guide was made some time ago but sadly Allie stats at 40 bil have stoped due to most overpriced allies except for osf/hansel
  5. Could you update this and are my 9 bil and 3 bil allies good? They're both active and in subclans of great clans
  6. If you want to be precise, it is 1.575. With it originally being 1.5 and devs increasing it by 5%
  7. A solid guide but whenever you talk about specific prices you guarentee your post will become dated due to market inflation. That is why havocs guide is eternal. He spoke in generalities. There are tons of ways to make money in the market, the best tip I can give anyone is to buy growers. The faster the growth. The more profit in a given market.
  8. Yeah this is deff out dated now. Prices have risen like crazy.  i don't see them slowing down much either. At least not in the near future.
  9. Just wondering but i went through 20 odd pages of allies at 18b and best i saw was about 700k. Am i doing something wrong or is that a good price