How to get rich fast 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *orthokid (01), Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Ok... Maybe when he first wrote this he was drunk
  2. "What spells trouble? A drunk russian with an smg" Nickoli from call of duty! Lol Nickoli Sayz funny things
  3. Lol, orthokid, your stats... Though good job. Ou classify as a Newbie going toward the Veteran side.
  4. I thin this page is a bust
  5. This is the most common thread .... And look at this guys stats he is sooo rich he must have a whopping 500 mil rite now
  6. Lmao. More like:

  7. Haha cole is that ur first name
  8. Pffft. As if. The "III" in my name DOES mean something. I've been playing since December 2010 >:)
  9. Haha nice oh nd sweet first name mines cole too ;) hehe
  10. Cool =3 You aren't related to The Murph's Pwar Series of clans, are you?
  11. Nope haha but Murphy is my last name so thts where it's frum
  12. Meant to say December 2009 in my first post on this page