 How to Ally Trade 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Strategy, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. nice strategy 
  2. Thanks Gust, means a lot :)
  3. I like this guide better than the stickied one. Lots of good tips here.
  4. nice guide
    but if you copy paste from somewhere else how about give him a credit?
  5. Aqua-D worked out the numbers, I gave him credit, I wrote the guide.
  6. Well done on a good guide Strategy
  7. The ol' iG sub-clans seem to love this guide 
  8. (/).-)

    CoOl StOrY bRo
  9. Cheech, no one cares what you post ;)
  10. Thanks MissBehave, good to see you have gotten rid of that pink text 
  11. Its been about 2-3 months now :)
  12. Ok I'm a bit behind 
  13. Bump for 5,000 views.
  14. this is awesome! i made three billion in less than a day!
  15. Thanks for the feedback JigSaw :)
  16. Love the fact this one goes past 500b.