 How to Ally Trade 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Strategy, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. IMO this is the better guide because it adds a few more helpful hints and tips and goes up much higher :)
  2. Oh you TOTALLY didnt take screenshots of the ally prices 

  3. bump. thank gawd I'm cheesed off explaining. great job thanks from KOS
  4. I don't think the allies worth trillions are exactly safe to trade, so no need for those prices, just my opinion. 
  5. 
  6. We need t5s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  7. ... ?

    Ok good to know, don't really see why you are posting here but ok.
  8. [​IMG]

    here r a few more tricks in allie trading:

    - buy an osf/oaf rigt after they have finished a war. Check there stats. Dont hire a hlbc osf/oaf. Hire one that is below 350 bl.

    - Most players search for allies worth 10, 20,. 30, 50, 100 ml or maybe 1, 5, 10, 15 20, 30, 100 bl or higher. The point is they all hire allies with whole numbers (hie value). Why? Just because it types easy. No one search allie worth 142.233.434 ml. To much effort to type that in the allie search bar. Knowing that can be used to buy allies.

    When an allie get bought (or sold), his hire value will raise by 5%. By knowing that u only have to buy allies that r visible in the allie list when players search for whole numbers (hire value).

    For example: type in the searchbar allie search max cost 476.000.000 (476 ml). All allies just below 476 ml will popup. Buy one of those allies. U will see that the new hire value of ur allie has raised by 5% and is now 476 x 1,05 = 499,8 ml. And thats perfect !!. Ur allie will be visible in the lists of all those players that search allies worth 500 ml. These kind of allies sell like hot breads !!.

    For newcomers/starters i recomend buying smaller allies worth 9,52 ml (will become 9,52 x 1,05 = 9,996 ml) or 95,2 ml will become 99,96 ml. They sell very fast and its easy to check ur max plunder knowing u have allie aprox 100 ml.

    Only rule there is is the higher the stats the faster they sell and always devide by 1,05 !!

    The same trick u can do for allies worth 100, 200 or 300 bl. Buy them at 95,2 bl, 190,47 bl or 285,7 bl, At these levels always check stats !!. Check if they r in al clan, do they have an active wall, r they active on forums, check there build , check there clan, check clans battles, maybe visit that clan etc. A little research can never harm.

    The above explained is ofcourse for those who r trading allies. As osf or osf u want to have allies that dont sell. U dont want to have ur allie sold while u r in a war or while u r asleep during a war. In those cases i would recomend searching allies just above "whole numbers", for example search allies for hire value of max cost 209 ml (it will be urs at 219 x 1,05 = 229,95 ml). A 229,95 ml allie wont sell very fast. To make sure it really doesnt sell fast u buy the allie with the lowest stats. As osf buy allie with low def stats and for oaf buy allies with low spydef stats, or for an osf used as oaf pinning spys buy allies with low spydef stats.

    Have fun all !!! :D :D :D I Love this game
  9. That is a very interesting way of ally trading, clearly buying OSFs after PWAR is redundant now but the rest is ingenious, I don't know how effective it would be for higher priced allies but certainly for lower priced allies it is very smart, maybe I will compile a list of these well priced allies and include them at the end, great idea thanks for the information.
  10. As far as this goes, it isnt completely redundant, as many OSF's are still going. Several make up what they lose in a few epics, so just keep this in mind. But as to what Nazulle said, yes if you want allies to stick, look for inactives. However as with the price, this doesnt always work, as sometimes players dont look for round numbers.

    When you search for allies, the default is all your gold at the moment. Sometimes this could be within the bracket of over round numbers. So sometimes you will get allies bought away at that price. Easiest way is to get small ones and volley them so high they dont get bought if you are OSF.
  11. Well the reason he mentioned this strategy is because right after a PW they just received tax and therefore are about to upgrade, which results in them being bought back off you pretty quickly. So in terms of argument, it is now redundant.
  12. Thank you MissMelon :D

    The best way to get allies to stick is to buy them of the twentieth page or further and buy an inactive, overpriced ally, who scrolls though twenty pages of allies and buy an overpriced one?

    Nobody :D
  13. :) I do :p

    And thanks for clearing that MM. I understand now haha! But this can also change should the OSF be bought after epics, as they do grow then as well. But i see your point
  14. But then again can't you say anyone can grow after an epic?

    MySexyMooAndMe- Professional Mind Rapist