Strip Bank Tips

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by n8n8, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Just change the title from "Strip Bank Tips" to something more relevant to your OP, like, "Defending Against Attacks."
  2. But your attacking the strip bank and trying to win 
  3. Stupid thread by a stupid excuse for a player.
  4. Why is Alison always talking in 3rd person?
  5. But you don't give any tips on how to manage a strip bank.
  6. This thread has made absolutely no sense.
  7. @A1, any ideas how to make it better?
  8. Is he right about the more pots the bigger bigger the player? Just wanna make sure lol
  9. Oops wrong pic :lol:
  10. This is the result of what happens when a person talks about something they have no idea about.
  11. Fluffles my thread needs that art of trollong pic plz lol
  12. @fuffles, do you know a way to make this thread better? If not gtfo.
  13. Op . You should just delete the app.
  14. @alison, please stfu and gtfo.
  15. Since I can't link for some reason I request a lock.
  16. Allison, you should be ashamed. Hurting the op's feelings like that. But I guess a little honesty can be painful sometimes
  17. Op why do you keep asking for tips for a thread you made?

    Shouldn't of made one if you didn't know about the subject..
  18. N8n8, this was a nice... Attempt... At a thread. You kinda lost me on the part where you made your entire thread on false and irrelevant information, and that part where you didn't explain how to manage a strip bank/give any actual tips (as stated in title) about a strip bank was definitely a down point. I suggest you take your meds and just forget about this whole thing.