Um, you also have to be innately evil And have no conscience. That is really integral to being a successful farmer. Ex: eb noob: Belle! You just stripped me of all of my allies and farmed me over 200x in 15 minutes! I'm an orphan. My mother never loved me. I have a rare disease and this is my only outlet. I Just lost my house. I got fired from my job. My dog died and now you are farming me too!!! WHY?!? Belle: (crystals 5 more times then responds) whatcha gonna do about Mr. Whiny Pants? See? A person with a conscience might feel bad. A person who isn't innately evil might have a conscience. You really really need these two things.
My hubby: Belle! Why in the **** are you farming me? You know my 500 billion ally just got bought away. Belle: (tries to xtal as hubby chases her around the room grabbing at her phone). Hey honey! Check out who bought your ally. MUHAHAHA Hubby: you *****!!! I hate you Belle: (xtals again) I know that's code baby