Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Spider-Man vs. Captain America
  2. Peter Parker Earth-98311 vs Peter Parker Earth-15

    The battle of 2 different villainous Carnage accepting spidermen.
  3. Captain Crunch vs Tony the Tiger
  4. Captain wins with his secret weapon of really jagged cereal.
  5. I don't know.. Tony the Tiger is always shown flirting with the mom's..
  6. But Tony has sharp claws raoarrrrrrrrrr!
  7. Tony gonna get the hot moms on Captain
  8. Guess he wins by creating all the divorce kids of the 90s then.:lol:
  9. You know who is more of a match for Tony?..

    Imagine the other creepy dude that's always helping moms around.. And flirting with them..

    Mr. Clean!!!!
  10. Mr. Clean is a bit of a cougar chaser... but Tony is a tiger so he may have the upper hand.
  11. The flash v aqua man
  12. Wait...I thought terms were supposed to be sci fi.....how is Mr clean sci Fi?? I throw buzz lightyear in the mix. Who is his challenger??

  13. Well now.. Let's do a highly scientific tale of the tape between these two single mom helping/flirting super villains.. Shall we?



    Tony: METAMUCIL for the kids!

    Clean: Cuts through grease and stains!

    Winner: Tony


    Tony: Red Bandana (Is he trying to rob a liquor store in Compton of wut?)

    Clean: Looks a bit like Lex Luthor

    Winner: Clean


    Tony: Blue Nose

    Clean: Albino eyebrows.. Freaky..

    Winner: Clean


    Tony: Kellogg's

    Clean: PnG (Whom we all know from their original logo that they are deep into occult and arcane magics)

    Winner: Clean


    Tony: Keebler Elves, Toucan Sam

    Clean: Charmin Bears

    Winner: Clean.. Never mess with a bear who hasn't wiped his bum yet


    Tony: He plays all kinds of sports with the kids

    Clean: Have you ever seen him on his knees scrubbing like the rest of us?.. No..

    Winner: Tony


    Tony: Count Chocula, Lucky Charms Leprechaun

    Clean: Scrubbing Bubbles, Brawny Dude

    Winner: Tony.. I mean.. To have Count Chocula as your arch-nemesis..

    There you have it folks.. With 4-3, the winner of this super villain beatdown is.. Mr. CLEAN!
  14. Dem keebler elves. Yum.

  15. Flash. I'm not a fan of either but Flash would most likely win this.
  16. ronald mc donald
  17. ronald mc donald

    Naw bro. Ronald's real. I met him once. Lmao
  18. Franklin Richards versus Mr Manhattan. Go!
  19. I feel like the flash with his molecular level vibration would make him near invincible. He can walk through walls essentially. So he could just walk into anyone and pretty much make them explode from inside out. Flash is dope