A long wanted update

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by arkst, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. ^That is a brilliant idea.
  2. Damn page :(
  3. Much support ark bro. Brilliant idea with the all. Finally a solution to the problem eith monitoring.
  4. not bad but one problem, no one would enter ads section
  5. Challenged?
  6. I hate when people laugh at the end of their post. You can't tell if their insulting or joking with you
  7. This is indeed a nice tweak to the other ideas. Support
  8. I think I've almost reached the near max amount of common forumers that see this to support...
  9. Support, it will really be great to have this update to the game, but then again the devs will come in and say they have much more important updates... But really support the idea OP
  10. For the frickin hundredth time on this idea, SUPPORT
  11. Any thoughts to my comment on page 24 arkst?
  12. BUMP

    Yes, I think it's ridiculous :$