WARNING to do wc ads friday night!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Lol still going. I've pulled at least 50$ out uf these cats on top of the free strip fundsguess they havent gotten the memo.
  2. Watching this fight with much interest now...
  3. Lol. It should be interesting. Guess they trying to pay me back for stripping one of them of rocketman earlier. Lol have u seen his stats. That was a no brainer lol -william- didn't deserve that ally
  4. Lol guess they finally got the memo

    Thanks for the funds chinai knew i was gonna like you
  5. I have a healthy dose of respect for protake after getting boatloads (2500 a day at times) over 4 months in the last fight I was in with them.

    I'm watching this fight as it could involve me and mine.
  6. Should be one to watch. Neither side have much quit in them.
  7. Oh I'll give em their credit. They stole the  out of me. Fruitless labor but they gave it hell nonetheless.

    I'm ready for round two whenever u guys are. U got my sleep time wrong once. Let's see how u fare next go round

    Last post from me. U most likely wont see me in ur news either. U will see me holding your allies tho

  8. Long time Twicc. Have fun 
  9. Protake vs New age.

    This gonna be good.

  10. you guy not really a war clan . You guy also EB noobs coz a war clan don't hit EB when at war like me you all only a bunch of farmer who farm the ppl with out a real clan or small EB clan . So don't say you are war clan pls it make me

    Hit EB = you all also EB noobs

    ® Leader
  11. I lied here I am again so sue me

    China be realistic here. I see way more actions in that eb than I do in my news.

    U can't call a clan out on ebs when ur clan is banging out 2 hour haunts.

    So u don't play to bait for strips. Good job ur a boss mate

    Don't give me that " we need pots/funds so we eb"  either. U guys have more than enough funds to kill that eb and war like u say u are. Until u kill that noise no one is going to take you seriously buddy

    Don't just talk the talk. Walk it. I personally jog it but hey not everyone can be me.

    And I'm not calling u out for doing eb. We doing it toosee how many u see me inbut don't sit here and call out NA while ur alts have top spots in recent ebswith troops u could be fighting with
  12. My alt at top spot EB I'm EB noobs also and wouldn't denied that coz I got all EB item

  13. Us doing ebs? Lol look at history dumbass. NA is failing hauntings because we're so busy farming you an profake. We only hit eb occasionally to pin spies (attack builds) and to pin attack troops (spy builds). Your clan isn't even fighting back. Too busy hitting eb like the eb noobs you are. You called us out for stupid reason. Bunch of crybabies. Now you can watch your clan burn

    New Age
  14. another big mouth alt talking fail EB coz u guy been pin by us we Finnish EB coz we too many troop to spared u guy are cry coz can't Finnish a EB unlike us pin u guy and still Finnish EB

  15. Lol u aren't pinning **** china. Ur just overflowing at the mouth is all. I'm full bar both. And yea I have all items. Not my account and it came with items u numpty.the ones i did earn i got all first trykinda have to have items to be a farmer of my caliber.

    All u have is talk u fail stripper and eb queen. Keep talking it seems to be all ur nOob ass is good at lol
  16. My original account^ don't want u nOobs thinking I meant account sharing by that
  17. Pin us? Omg lmao. Thats too funny. what a douche. Stop deluding yourself. Your clan is barely hitting. It's pathetic. that made me laugh. Now I can go to sleep in a good mood. 
  18. @mickey (Don't give me that " we need pots/funds so we eb") i really think you are the one need funds n pots , coz ur clan cant finish ur own epics so u got to keep goin other clans to do epics... muahhahhaa

    tats explain why u were always leaving clan doing the glided lord then come back NA again .. try harder to get more pots , all the best to u mickey !
  19. @armyofchina, you say we are eb noobs while plenty of profake members are hitting eb, us we are too busy farming your members that's why we are failing our ebs seems like you care more about ebs than war, it's a war game
  20. Lol u idiot when did I leave to do guilder lord? Last night? I left to assist iss in a strip on LG and the door locked behind me. So I joined a clan SR-jemo was in(don't like him, no real reason why lol) and decided to perm pin everyone in cc. Ask SR-Sarah or jemo or his wife or his alt or stormygreeneyedgoddess or griego or one of the numerous Luther people I pinned and robbed.

    And the funniest part is it was all bait because I knew u nOobs were going to attempt a strip on me

    So I farmed hard and let my numbers go crazy. Then I let my account go dormant and what do u know. U nOobs took the bait and swallowed the hook