WARNING to do wc ads friday night!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. If you would please provide screenshots we would appreciate it.

    I am sure that, as your clan states you were
    , you would be taking screenshots to prove you were doing what you said you were doing as opposed to simply making things up.

    On the other hand, if you don't have screenshots and just wish to attack someone, please simply attack and refrain from lying about made up reasons.

    So, please provide screenshots with IIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIII purposefully advertising for players to join -Protake- for EBs , as opposed to his "comments or talking" about you WC Friday event.
  2. I don't have ss but I saw his post. I don't need it to prove for myself he did it. NA farmed him because he sent the ad, not to Protake. I really did not expect this (-ProTake-) reaction.
  3. NA is taking a pounding? Which NA are you pounding? On 3 accounts I haven't had ANY incoming in 30 hours.
  4. u guy farming EB ppls y ? If there wasn't ads on WC so ppls go hunt for item u think u guy can get those item ? U should be thank them and not to farm them 

    U think u in 3 year can rule kaw ?

    3 year and your clan still not on LB sad sad sad 

    ®Leader 
  5. Look at clan achievements genius. We've been number 1 on lb. We're not lb now because we are warring. We are not an eb clan. When you spend 8 months straight and never finish an eb because everyone is in osw, you'll understand noob.
  6. We aren't eb players, we are warriors. We play the game like it should be played.

    We don't wanna rule KaW, just remeber the old times.
  7. if your clan not EB so how come you all got so many item from EB ?

    If you not EB noobs you guy shouldn't have those item lol

  8. This kaw is for ppls to enjoy . Some ppls love EB but some ppls love war but it doesn't mean u can farm ppl who do ads on WC does it ? You think coz you war clan and can farm ppls coz you on 3 year on kaw ? You guy only can talk big 

  9. Come on army-of-china to be an alliance u talk lots of trash, and u can't say we didn't warn both KaW in forum and WC!!

    Only crybabies in hole KaW is you!!! Haha

    Not a single enemie to NA was posting during this Friday night cos our warnings, they got our respect

    Haha how pathetic you are cos you trash talk in forum post we did warn you and yes we hit all EB wc ads friends or foe, your AL Bundy member did post EB wc ads nothing Wrong there but he endup in NA clan wall seemed he us hit head crybabie and run home to mummy and cried big bad NA farmed him.
    It's our first time ever NA did go on EB eds just for fun and to celebrate our 3year anniversary
    If you don't like us at least be half warriors and declare war in New Age. To cry in a warning post in forum just make you look like small babies cry after your nap blanket NA did steal from you
    We are ok fight back inc only but if you want to step up this argue with us we are ready cos new age members been bored doing EB
    And yes NA need to adapt how KaW change but that doesn't mean we miss the old days

    So stop all hits in 24h and we stop as well if you want to continue at least declare war to an alliance of yours and stop make a fool out of your self!

    New Age
  10. first of all your clan is not our alliance . Second is you guy make a fool of your self think you war clan and farming EB clan . Third we don't cry we are enjoying it .

    you make a fool of yourself claiming your clan are our alliance .

    Good luck to you all
    I will not post anymore and will war till end .
    PM me if you guy want the CF .

  11. If you would please provide screenshots we would appreciate it.

    Again, I am sure that, as you stated you were
    , you would be taking screenshots to prove you were doing what you said you were doing as opposed to simply making things up.

    So, please provide screenshots with IIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIII purposefully advertising for players to join -Protake- for EBs , as opposed to his "comments or talking" about you WC Friday event.

    Currently, you do not have screenshots of "AL" advertising in WC. You have one member stating he was posting ads for an unnamed clan that he doesn't even belong to. Do you have screenshots of him in the clan you are claiming he was posting ads in WC for? At this point, are you even sure it was our "AL" in the first place as you seem to think there was an "AL Bundy" who did this?

    As I said, if you want to attack him, go ahead, this is a war game. However, if you want to justify attacking someone by saying you are attacking them because of something they did, you have to keep track of these things. Otherwise, you are just making baseless claims, and there is no reason anyone should believe you (or for that matter, anything you say in the future).
  12. Go home little protake u want war u got war you will never get a cf from us..

    No we dident take ss cos we were fighting hundreds of wc EB ads no time to put your noob player to make him special, we did hit several member who were friends who prob missed our forum post but only two complained another noob player and Protake clan haha u do act like noobs

    And I am sorry we thought we were alliance with protake, I seemed got wrong info from our member, but now when that is clear

    Lets war ! 
  13. wow this is stupid. 
  14. muahahahah so this is what we called a 3 years old WAR clan do . Hit people without any proof to justify their actions and still can shout so loud about how great they are .

    WAr clan ?! mauahahhah 3rd anniversary ? yah time to celebrate the disband of ur clan twicc !

    @ _Garimpeiro hmmm it did shows that NA was #1 in LB but issit #1 as in numbers of ppl ??? ROFL #1
    NEW AGE ? hahahahha
  15. act like monkey, talk like an monkey, walk like an monkey, hey you are an monkey hahaha
  16. Been spankin' that monkey for the last day. But to give credit....at least Monkey has been in my news some, too! Cheers and enjoy the war you bad monkey!
  17. So =protake noobs are crying because of a few hits? Now that is pathetic for a war clan in my book.

    @kingcalm - You ask for SS? lol.. We do not provide ss, you can take our words for it or you can shove that up you know where.

    @Army_of_China - We were quite content dancing with your guys and trading hits, specifically instructing our members to avoid strips as we believe we are allies. Now you're guys are gloating already because of what? A strip of an inactive acct? Great job then. If that is your pathetic excuse for a war then let it be. As we said we tried to celebrate our 3 year anniversarry by farming wc ads on that particular date. We do not randomly hit and farm people everyday. We just thought it was a special day for NA and decided to play the game. Now if you are butthurt, well thats your problem. If you really enjoy a war, too bad we enjoy it too. So lets bang our head till kingdom come. If you expect us to crawl to you and ask for a CF? You can keep dreaming on, and shove that dream up your " you know where", ask king_calm he'll tell you where it is.. :lol:
  18. To clarify:
    You made a big deal about your "present to KaW" of farming Eb ads in WC, but it was so important to you that
    to commemorate the event or even just to show that you were really doing what you said you were.
    (You also thought, for some reason, everyone would or should pay attention to you. Perhaps in your minds everyone does. Not that it would have changed the way we play).

    Next, you claim one of our members, IIIIIIIIAIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIII, made an ad in wc for a clan he was not a part of. So you attacked him, telling us that
    despite the patent difference in names from the player you say posted in WC and a member of our clan who do not post ads or accept random players.

    As of now, you have three names as perm farms on your wall.
    So, naturally, if I search these players, I should find they have all retired after apologizing (see the rest of this post as well), as you claim happens to "everyone we put on our perm farm" list. Perhaps we simply have different interpretations about the word "permanent?"

    You don't have screenshots, you don't know who you are hitting, you make claims about it that you can't back up, You make a big deal about your principled event, but can't be bothered to keep track of it, and you name people as "perm farms" who you say will definitely be reduced to retiring, except you take them off your wall after a few hits. Is there anything that comes from you that we can believe? So far, your "word" means nothing.
    But at least you know who your alliances are.
    :? :? :?
  19. Lol PROFAKE clan when was the last real war u losers where in? Oh right I don't remember either. Been so long ur clan has become irrelevant as a war clan. Bunch of eb queens. And look at king trying to be a lawyer. Shut up and hit back u *****.
