I did ,she said it was as useless as the last thing you tried to give to her, and the coupon was bigger than that teeny tiny piece of skin under your ever widening waistline I believe she said .... smaller than a bee stinger and like you a little prick Now go cry to Thrawn bout how honesty hurt your feelings and get this post removed
Lol.....Todd get roasted left right and from behind on all threads right now and his coupon comeback was weaker than than his moms ankles after I was finished with her.
again all from idiots who don’t have memes and never will pars begged for one and got laughed at none of you are relevant to this thread LOLOL
Your laughing at that shows how idiotic you are ...it’s barely coherent it’s the ramblings of a coupon clipping cat woman UNLIKE THE OTHERS YOU HAVE A MEME AND YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS Let me find it for you real quick LOL
Why don't you take this garbage elsewhere you're going to get a great thread and walk down memory lane locked. Tldr. Wall of text. Be the bigger person and just walk away
Well damn. I haven’t played this game in years and they put me in the Hall of Fame. I was unstoppable until I stopped
Funny how long I’ve been around and in every osw that comely or I didn’t get mentioned. We by ourselves trashed knights in pyjamas. It was fun and we stayed in them from an alt clan. No mention of that.
Im from KiP and we weren't fighting Kotfe. Kotfe and KiP had the same opponent at one time, so we cooperated. KiP never got trashed or thrashed. I dont even remember you. KiP it cool!