I nominate cloud9r1 or whatever this top 20 lb fairy nub's name is today. As the biggest fail in kaw history - he's the only guy I know who managed to run from the same osw twice *Waiting for him to rage call me a trailer trash
thanks BlaZey, much respect to you a well and hb you are still a noob, but getting better every day lol
roni i actually agree with you on something for once hahaha, juniho/mat and i had our differences but they could fight
BH was not feared before that. BH was iG puppets and everyone feared iG that time because of unlimited funds which most of us know where it comes from. Starz players who join after battle harden from Bakugan Brawlers war. Anyway MMARK69 truly one tough dude.
BH was basically iG alts, for the exception of a few, nobody denied that..we had our own and iG banks, LB front liner as #1 cr so I don't even see how your statement contradicts mine. Starz guys joined after 2012, are you saying BH was nothing prior to that? Lol if you do some reaseach in forums you will see that from day it started up BH was the clan that supplied 99% of forum tears, which were posted by anyone starting from ordinary newbies and finishing with pwar osfs that were being kept closed just for the lulz No one is arguing with the fact that Hayden, Mark and others from their BH era kicked ass, but I sure as hell will not agree that BH wasn't feared during Dis/sucker/arsh/des era. As a matter of fact these were the best BH days and that is when clan earned its original reputation
BH is like the 7 cheese burrito.. different layers have distinctive taste and yummimess and you will always get the Montezuma's revenge..
lol ...i was part of BH for 7-8 months when SirHayden was in charge. Someone mentioned him earlier and i agree SirHayden is an awesome dude and he was a great leader when i was there ..everyone quietly did what they had to do, no glory hounds, we just went about OSW like it was a nrmal daily chore. There was no drama while i was there and we never lost OSW ..couple mutual CFs but mostly we got the other clans to request CF. ...when i was there Matty, Maki, Willy were NEVER there and i mean NEVER when i did go back after i was gone (& only like 2 months) SirHayden and ev1 that was there before were gone ....was full of selfish self involved mostly worthless wannabe drama queens. -23- was a good OSW/PvP clan too ...i spent i think 6+ months there, all wins i think MrBiscuits "The Strippers Club" ...good times with me MrB & Predator
Mr. biscuit is a legend. Anyone who thinks otherwise Cleary has no clue about kaw off system history.
During BH vs Res osw we found MrB nakkey and I called him immediately after pinning. Woke him up and kept telling him 'you are stripped, get online, get on KaW now!' He just laughed and said 'let them sweat it idc, I just wanna hear your sexy accent' and proceeded flirting haha
Lol many osw greats are honored and I'm sure more to come as ashes continues to add them ..whether enemy ,friend ,or family osw fighters ate the best in kaw! And add max damages ashes he may annoy many and not be liked by many ..but he does fight his rear off !
Yes yes.. as you notice.. I have a sprinkling of naughty/controversial osw fighters in each update.. that's the fun of osw.. there are no rules!.. osw is a mind game.. if u got under someone's skin (with lies or boasting) without unloading a single bar, good for ya... We can talk front line, back line, feeder systems, tracers, drip strips, terror strips, reverses, weak side mechs all we want but at the end of the day, it's all about that sexy accent on your phone in the middle of the night telling you that you just got naked... When ur naked
Maybe your next tribute should be to trolls then? I don't agree that those who don't unload bars, as you said it, fall under osw warrior category.. Plus getting under one's skin is actually easier by telling the truth they don't want exposed, followed up with couple of bars - it makes you feel so warm n fazzy insidebut maybe it's just me PS How did you know that MrB sleeps naked?
Well I like to think every one has been some good times on here and yes it's true I been in love with Blazy for 5 almost 6 years now I have played with some great players in my time and seen some real cheaters that we are not allowed to talk about glad to see the only but hurt person on here is onsey lol really not worth talking about but I will not tell your mother to kick you out of her basement when you come to pick her up from my house