Wait...so Thorn was butthurt about the fact that KoTFE allowed one of their clans to hit another clan on their own? Sounds like he joined to hide behind numbers! Bump for our naughty Apoc Bro's and Gals!
Hide behind numbers? Is that not what CR and apoc do? I was disappointed that KotFE main wouldn't support its auxiliary clans. All they want are new meat shields. Sadly, you know this is true. After leaving, I continued to OSW on and on my own, and still do, I wake up to 50 notifications a day. So anything you say is irrelevant.
You idiot, my NF displays only the latest 50 notifications when I login. Please don't embarrass yourself. Anyway, I'm off. Wall me tools, with your fail logic if anything more. Good luck recruiting new shields to brainwash and do EBs at the main in peace.
Imo awakening had fun in that osw i enjoyed it and ik most of awakening enjoyed it. You my friend are a runner and that is all.
Thorn, we CHOSE to join in the OSW ourselves - there was no need for every KotFE clan We just wanted to smack them around a little. Yet talk to Black Hand and they told everyone that every KotFE clan was on them. Basically you are crying because we didnt focus on EB's, and you ran like a baby - everything else you have to say is irrelevant and KotFE have no need for people like you to join. Excellent example of those who will get rejected
No you tool, I'm "crying" because all KotFE main did is focus on EBs! Think I give a rats ass about an EB? Barely hit any in the last few months. Ran? I continued the osw on my own, Ijust choose to align my loyalty elsewhere. There was no way I would let a clan use me as it's pawn. Ask yourself players, do you want to join a clan that only wants to use you as shield so their mains can do HTE elsewhere in peace? "Do you want to be a KotFE pawn? If yes, KotFE Pawn is recruiting! Sorry, I mean Illuminati. Here, you will get a chance to experience what being a meat shield is all about." Funny thing vix, I'm still in an apoc clan. :lol:
Nice to see little thorny keeping this thread going, he really is the definition of butthurt isn't he? thanks thorny luv ya
Once again welcome illuminati♡ get used to all the crying and butthurt haters lol ~RDD KotFE Awakening Admin~
Thanks Dragoness come over and see us sometime, oh no wait don't, we are the meat shield clan if you want a beating and you will like it, come to illuminati! Illuminati "making people like thorn cry since nov 2009" " do do do do doo im lovin it"
Illuminati has 10 letters, if you put kotfe in the equation it is 15 letters. 15/3=5. 5 1=6. Altogether illuminati is a sacred virgin sacrifice. So it is 666. Illuminati confirmed.