I.S.S? My ass..

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by One-BaDaSs_PaiN-In_Ur-AsS_LiLi, Nov 10, 2015.

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  1. Roni it's a "psychological battle" coupled WITH actual fighting ....you're getting there (you just need more accts to be effective on your own)

    Lili has a loooonngggg way to go 
  2. Lily just needs to stop eating. That poor horse of hers 
  3. It's totally mine. I'm main topic.

    You cried about me not 1v1 you earlier. "Cyndy can't pvp" or whatever. We did 1v1 for a few days. Sat on each other, burned some xtals the whole 9. You called out ISS next. And now you're calling foul that the clan jumped you like I had something to do with your actions lolz

    This is old school KaW. You mess with us you get all of us. You wanted 1v1 you shoulda left clans out of it and not got salty that I wasn't a pushover.

    Lesson learned for next time. 2tril lesson. Shoulda heeded my training in pm when I was being nice. You still need help on regen timings️

    Happy KaWing, you can have your thread back now.
  4. see what I mean Roni, she dsnt see it. Teach her please
  5. U are so full of it. Where did I cry about ur clan being on me? And u can shove ur lesson.
  6. Now for class #2 prospects... This is intense butthurt. If you read the words carefully you will see how mad she is. It might be because she ran out of cookies but my experience tells me that it's because she lost 2 tril. Tune in next time for class #3
  7. Ok lili even if you didn't...

    ....what's the name of your thread? You called out the whole clan what did you expect would happen?

    If you're fighting solo don't start threads like that till AFTER you know you're winning or are ahead ....you're only motivating them to fight you with more if not all resources. Don't announce what your doing or want to do to all KAW
  8. Motivation is the purpose, todd
  9. [​IMG]
    I.S.S can kiss my ass 
    That's for more motivation

  10. Nice Primark jeans 
  11. ha Lili they will be frozen to the spot now and breaking out in a sweat not being able to prise their eyes from the screen now.
  12. Your so cute. Can I keep you? ️ I love the attention seeking people. Don't worry Hun you don't have to seek anymore  all eyes are on you. 
  13. Never cared for brands. Not that shallow 
  14. damn right.  give it to me I am worth it 
  15. Mmmm that cute brunette
  16. That's not an ass..... It's like an extended back  or maybe we just pounded it enough while you slept it flattened out.
  17. It's still in ur face. Why did u quit or fails? Did they tell u not to show up in my nf for more ss's?
  18. Well as long as it's in my face, take a seat 
    Oh I was in your news feed, don't you worry about that sweetheart.
  19. -DeadlySpankingAngel- is RyDeR_NeKo_AnGeI s alt . shes seething with jealousy that we are keeping the i.s.s boys busy and they must be neglecting her .Lol dont worry angel we dont want them .We are just pulling their strings.
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