I still think that 23/1 works better since with 2 troopbuildings you have to divide the effects by two (e.g. +1 hit more instead of +2). It may not be that easy but thats a rough calculation. What Im really surprised of is cerebrals effect with the lvl1 t4s. Cerebral would it be possible to upgrade the SoS and the elem circle to see if your plunder rises (it should be falling afaik) or do you have any information concerning that?
All spy and one really strong attack building lots of allies to fuel your plunder and so when people attack you they lose sometimes
I have 1 T4 lvl 3 att build, 3 strongh n rest are guild lvl 4. Why plunder decrease when I upgrade strongh to lvl 2 ? All condition same state (number allies, etc)