Hansel build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Persimmon, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. Or enough allies 
  2. Cuz he said he was a noon why would he have any of those buildings
  3. Rockafella1, could just take me as a noob and explain in detail your build.
    I really thank you for your insight.
  4. 1 Summoning Circle Lvl3
    23 Guilds Lvl4

    Malestone, youre not a noob. Ive really considered switching to 22/2 but after carefully thinking and calculating I came to the conclusion that Hansel with 1 Troop building yields the best profit. I dont really now about attk builds since I have never even t3 bced with troop building.
  5. Aviaries yield better profit for those who use lots of XTals and those who wait till full regen with their unload. Sum circle yields better profit for those who hit whenever they can instead of waiting for regen. What I also found out is that Circle yields 10% more compared to aviary since aviary gives you a -5% malus.
  6. (sry for tripplepost)

    For those who wonder, Hansels have their downside too ofcourse.

    a) Its very unlikely to rank high on the LB because of the stats and the very low ally-value of t1 guild hansels.

    b) It needs a long setup-phase which will at first cost you a decent amount of Defense pots (and attk if you dont rely on OSFs)

    c) You cant really do much in wars without either having a HUGE and I mean HUGE amount of allies or investing a whole bunch in attk pots.
  7. I get nearly 20mil a hit off iJaxon so a little less than 520mil from full troops, and once I got 92mil from iDaughter who opened from steals, 612mil now beat that suckas 
  8. SOS are much better.
  9. Build 1-2sos lv3 and the rest lv2 foundrys then level them up one by one or 1-2 foundries and rest SOS lv3
  10. 1) SoS' are worse than guilds from the plunder aspect.

    2) This is a thread about Hansels and Hybrids, so theres no point talking about that build with foundries or we/
  11. Everyone is so oblivious to what T4 was made for.
  12. Sniiper, your build please. Care to Share. 
    Mine is currently:
    20L1 StrongHolds
    1L2 StrongHold
    1L3 StrongHold
    1L2 Titan
    1L1 CircElem
    + 14B in allies

    The Guilds with SummCirc and Aviary gave 398m

    This current build gives me approximately 349m less than the above build.
  13. 1 SOS L3, 22 L4 guilds, castle, like 24 bil in allies, my girlfriend and my alt  and last land i use L3 beastiary or L3 guild
  14. I also don't plan on upgrading lol, except more allies eventually, but that's about all 
  15. A summoning circle doesn't give 5% total plunder..Isn't it just 5% for that one building?
  16. 5% Regular + Ally plunder for itself, yes
  17. So doesn't that mean 23 guilds and 1 beastiary/avi would be better? You're pretty much saying 1 summoning circle would be better than a guild.
  18. I make 20.5 mil a hit, level 1 circle of elements, 22 level 4 guilds, one level one SoS, like 533 mil on unload
  19. Like Ive stated before, aviary gives you 2 more hits per full regen but the regen itself is slower. Aviaries also yield 10% allyplunder ( for itself) less than sum circles. Guilds give better plunder than Sum Circles, but since you need a troopbuilding you have to choose between one.

    A) Sum Circle: Normal regen, a tiny bit more plunder

    B) Aviary: 2 Hits per regen more, tiny bit less plunder and slower regen