Fix Summer Wars 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DOMlNUS, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. People saying its just a loophole, Devs have banned people before for exploiting loopholes, this should have been brought to the attention of the Devs so it could be fixed, not cheat a clan out of a war.
  2. For real this war was COMPLETELY unfair for us.
  3. Send an email to them and express your concern. I know several people have already.
  4. They basically have 16 (maybe 18) legitimately warring accounts in that clan. Roster # 19 and down are all less than 500k comb. # 26 and down are all 900 cs or lower.
  5. @ Panic

    It is reported now. And with this thread, knowledge of it will become widespread and it will be addressed.

    Otherwise, next weekend will be a whiny, turtley mess.
  6. God Thank You Troll!!
    This war is so stupid like this...
  7. You guys say "good for Immortal Taka." I say shame on them for cheating. Call it a loophole all you want - you still know it's wrong.
  8. It's like when someone thought up pwars, no one belly ached about that. Our clan owner had a strategy and we tested it. Disqualify us? We can't make the finals anyway, this was a test. So sorry everyone is so sensitive around their loophole.
  9. It's complete BS what we are going through right now.
  10. I agree, they are also getting free inferno and aqua as well. they will automatically be top 20.
  11. Sage: this isn't strategy... This is complete nonsense.. 
    @Rollin: I agree
  12. No one belly ached about PWARS because they were open to everyone. Summer wars are not. Your argument fails.
  13. This, too.
  14. I understand we should report but crying "they're cheating" is retarded. They found a sneaky tactic and are winning with it. Do it, beat it, or email Devs.
  15. The alts don't just fill space they scout bomb us spies while their spies either self pin amazingly or bot and sit on us
  16. If you look at my achievements you see I have highland 12 explored and resurrection lvl 1 (on my way to lvl2). This is a legitimate account with legitimate TEAM player. A lot of the small accounts are like that. I also have 14 more land tricks to go with 12B banked in pots to make it happen.
  17. Yeah everyone can summer war if they work hard enough and make their clan successful. We have 4 lvls to immortal taka, we're a successful family here to figure out the game. If it were nonsense you would never made comment to it. It's brilliant strategy, therefore not sustainable in a game where chance rules. The devs will fix it I'm sure.
  18. And no martyr and kamil thumbs and I are sitting on you two old fashioned beat down style.
  19. Okay, I'm on BMW Owners, every single time I go to hit someone they are DTW except for smaller accounts, there is no way they can be DTW every single time I get on(both smilez61 and smilez62). I give them props for coming up with this idea, but it is bogus that they are always DTW, no way they can always be DTW without botting.
  20. Why would you embarrass your clan like that though? Sure, it's clever, but is it worth it? Who knows what the devs will do to you. Not to mention your reputation now. IDK about others, but I certainly wouldn't want to associate myself with a bunch of cheaters.
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