Fix Summer Wars 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DOMlNUS, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Selling drugs and killing people are two activities that most would consider illegal. I don't believe that what immortal taka has done is illegal.
  2. First and probably last forum post:

    War isn't fair... The biggest gun, OR MORE LIKELY, the smartest tactician wins.

    I warred with IT this weekend, and appreciate the strategy. The prerequisite for being in the war on our side was being able to keep 100% dtw for the vast majority of the war. In fact, I was seldom DTW, but BMW just never capitalized. I had two successful steals on me, but never a barrage of follow-through.

    I agree wholeheartedly that what we did was not really FUN (for me anyway), but ABSOLUTELY it was within the structure of the game.
    If you want to win, do what we did. Or play a different game. Or beg the devs to develop a game that meets your "expectations". It would seem to me there is a VERY simple two part fix: 1)roster lock and ranking AT the time of roster lock, and
    2)changing the ENTIRE way KAW wars, hitting, pinning, and DTW has worked up until this point. Lol.
  3. Pummellor,

    I the industry I work in, there are two moral standards: legal and ethical.

    Sure, what happened may have been technically legal, but was it ethical?

    There are certain clans that have class, and there are certain clans that don't. There are probably even people in those clans who disagree with what was done.

    I think if we police ourselves and show some dignity and class, we don't have to point the finger at the devs for a fix. We can fix this ourseleves.
  4. Ethics in a war video game, good luck with that, Cheese.
  5. Why not? I can name plenty of clans who conduct themselves ethically.
  6. I was in a similiar war where the clan was always dtw maybe great strategy idk
  7. And your point is? You're trying to play dictator kindergarten teacher. "everyone play nice or no sandbox later!". Stop making excuses for the Devs, it's their game, others found a loophole, fix it and shut the **** up.

    Ethics? ETHICS?! War is hell, there's no ETHICS in hell.
  8. Imitation, ashamed? Yes I'm losing sleep over it, and am considering quitting the game bc I'm so ashamed. We tried this strategy cause we could. Lmao get over it bro And if you ever want to rw IT just give me a holler. No tiny alts.
  9. Ethics pays off in war. You should read about the stories of Nazis surrenduring during WW II because they knew they'd be treated with dignity. Some of those surrenders were essential to our victory.
  10. 
  11. ditto well said cj
  12. I'm not arguing the ethics behind it.

    If something isn't done I'm not participating in the future events.

    Not about to sit for 12 hrs in a war an not be able to hit anyone.

    If all of IT's alts were legally created they had the right to do what they did... But the devs need to change that.
  13. Cheese how many strips took place in any iac or it conflict? As dtw most of the time the easy route seems obvious but was never played.
  14. Lol you've compared drugs/murder/Nazis to iT so far. Cheese, you should be ashamed. Whether be an indirect comparison, you still did it.
  15. This thread is huge, and I didn't read it all, so forgive me if I am repeating what others have said.

    This is my impression of the summer wars.

    DISCLAIMER: I don't speak for the devs on this. He views posted are strictly my own

    The summer wars were created to revive interest in system wars. Many players failed to participate in system wars because they are mostly " two turtles fighting" which the majority of players find boring.

    The summer wars were supposed to be different. They weren't supposed to be turtle wars. They were to supposed to be exciting. In order to ensure that the wars were interesting the devs
    1. Created a rank requirement
    2. Created a minimum number to join (50)
    3. Made all summer wars "auto join" to ensure that turtles weren't an issue.

    This tactic of having multiple 0/0/0 alts is, technically allowable, (if the alts are legit) as by the rules of the game. HOWEVER, the game, or at least the summer wars, we're never meant to be played like this, and if the devs tweak the rules to keep the summer wars interesting, god bless them. They will be offering the community what it wants.

    At the end of the day, the winners if the summer wars should be players who were committed and had a good ability to work together as a group. The idea of some cheesy exploitation of the system, even if currently legal, does not sit well with me, and I will be pressing for the loophole to be closed, if possible.
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