Fix Summer Wars 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DOMlNUS, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Wow.

    Lots of long answers. And lots of "immitation" cheese.

    I got my email back, and it's a carbon copy of yours Cheese.

    You low-stat players better hope you didn't use your PC to make multiple accounts...

    Big Brother is now watching.
  2. Since when is war clean?

    "All war is based on deception."

    Sun Tzu

    "The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself."

    Sun Tzu

    These clans did just that. Stop bellyaching about them doing this, they found a loophole and used it. The Devs made a thread about who won when during the tournament, how do they not catch that? A simple skim over the rosters would have brought that to their attention.

    Stop blaming the players, blame the Devs.
  3. @Blood

    They use 0 mith, they lose very few pots, with the exception of some attack pots, and they win Aqua and such, win for them.
  4. For once in my life ive actuakly agreed with IGCB. o.0

    Now stop using your mind control powers, it's freaky :|
  5. I agreed. It's brilliant.

    It's not fighting though, it's a loophole that makes it so you don't have to babysit 20 or so members.

    Smart. But a cheap loophole.

    I doubt they'll fix it at this point...

    Better start taking notes if you want to win summer wars.
  6. Maybe developers should make sure the clan still qualifies as a top 200 clan when the pairing are set.

    As it stands now you need to be under 200 to participate. I'm not certain but dont think they would rank under 200 at time of pairing with all the zero stat accounts and only 18 bc ones.

    At that point, you'd be disqualified. So, if trying to use that tactic, without having the CLAN LB change, most clans wouldn't know if they rank high enough. There are exceptions though. One clan is pretty well stacked, but can't fix every aspect for certain.
  7. I was on from the beginning of the war till end. Used over 33 mith had 2k of every pot and hit hard the whole time. Oh ya I changed my name to ITIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII for the war. We won. End of story it's a war.
  8. Lol. You call that a "war?"
  9. Last time I checked. Immortal Taka won. Also check actions in war. We had more than BMW.
  10. Hard to get successful actions when you only have 16 targets to hit :roll:
  11. Did we not keep most of your players dtw for duration of war.
  12. I wouldn't know, but don't try to call what you guys did a "war."
  13. I would call it having your rear end handed to you on a plate.
  14. I call it a disgraceful way to fight.
  15. Cheese just drop it.
  16. Disgraceful? LOL, no war is won fairly. War is what it is, deceptive.
  17. Actually, True Spartans whooped our asses fair and square.
  18. Guys pls go look at IAC v Zaft summer wars wk2 before u say IT don't War "fairly".
  19. Just because others are doing it doesn't make it right.

    By that logic, I can justify selling drugs and killing people.
  20. And no you didn't have more "plunder" actions, you had more Assassinations, which brings in no plunder, BMW had more Attacks and Steals, only reason they lost was because they had to hit small accounts for terrible plunder.
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