Fix Summer Wars 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DOMlNUS, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Okay you're getting annoying lol.

    It is cheating if the alts are "illegally created accounts" meaning that the owner has more than 1 account on just his pc or created using a UDID faker.
  2. Lesson for today pulp. Not everyone on forums feed the trolls. I for one don't
  3. Oh well ur good these noobs obviously brought buckets of feed. Enjoy ur trolling. Can't even call it fail trolling, cuz they still sitting here with their hands out. Feeding the troll
  4. Mickey lol touché. Although I'm old and new and not even sure what your talking about lol . But oh well. So I investigated More like suggested and found another war. Reunion vs Kos. It looks like reunion used 25 " crappy alts" all named IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . And it was 14 days ago . So the idea doesn't seem to be original for IT. Hmmm
  5. But I will say this... Looks like IT perfected that theory lol
  6. My Opinion 4 what it's worth. As a Taka member for the past 8 months. I've been in several summer wars now, won a few lost one against Zaft. (With IAC)

    The most depressing thing in a War is hitting thin air, i.e everyone is DTW. The second most depressing thing is reading a CA showing half the clan is inactive and pinning said players rather than hitting the enemy.

    The problem with KAW wars is there pure maths over pure fun. You don't get more points for standing on a battlefield shouting "c'mon ya b***** let's have ya then" you get points for not being hitable and sneaking in the odd shot from PIN.

    Unless both clans say up front right screw this turtle nonsense - no self pinning lets just kick the crap out of each other for 24 hours then Taka's approach is a game winner, and there ya go. (they wanna own multiple I devices and play alts, then fine that's not cheating)

    Taka broke from iac and warred on themselves cos they didn't want inactives and knew that this tactic would win. Now they pissed a bunch of there fun wanting clannies off who would prefer to sit there and shout battle curses at the enemy (you know, have FUN!!!!) who couldn't war that way......but they won.

    Sorry I'm rambling - to sum up, Wars suck as a instant gratification fun exercise, don't blame taka - blame devs and war system that looses excitement when clever people figure out strategies. And apologies FK for swearing at you.
  7. I think what you said is fair, eXtreme. Kudos to you for taking a stand.
  8. Mickeyknocks still thinks I'm a troll. . Why is it hard to believe I've only played 127 days ? Lol
  9. Support : whilst i think it's acceptable to have a few zero stat "alts" in the clan to just nudge you over the 50 member minimum, say you have 46 that can war that week and just need to qualify for entry. To have 32 zero stat alts, however smart it may be deemed, just takes the piss and kinda defeats the point of a minimum member number. And yes, it definitely makes things one sided. Hopefully the Devs will address this sooner rather than later. I'd also like to see some sort of "credit toward actions" for pinning your sleeping members, it's not fun spending 50% of the war sitting on your clannies lol, even if it does prevent loss. But that's just my personal thoughts. Happy kawing all 
  10. @PULP, perhaps it's the way you write. Every one of your posts pissed me off due to its condescending undertones. It's like you already know all the answers to the questions you're asking, but you're trying to prove some point by getting others to answer the questions anyway. If you have a point, just come right out and say it already.
  11. This was an accident waiting to happen. And as the first tournament of course there will be exploits and cheats. They need a reasonable stat req. to prevent this
  12. Lol ok I really don't understand why they have dtw in this game in the wars. Isn't war where you kill and destroy the other person? So if you have a system war with rules... Shouldn't they make it where you can kill the person from that war and they are done for the duration of that war? Just seems like the whole dtw and self pinning thing contributes to the whole problem. You know, havin peeps that are so small they are untouchable.
    But the real issue here isn't about what IT did in this war . Because if it's a system war then they had to abide by the guidelines made by the Devs yes? So then the Devs need to change some things apparently. But from what I've seen.. IT just perfected a theory that they saw studying the summer wars that they were a part of or witnessed. And in war you do what you have to to win. Yes? Also you cant really cheat If your confined by rules put in place by the Devs, correct?
    Oh and sorry for coming across condescending. Really just tryin to understand. Didn't want to just say what I thought cuz i really am new (Mickey ) and im still gathering data and forming an opinion.
    whoa it's late losing train of thought . What are we talking about??? 
  13. In a system war, "Defender too Weak" shouldn't exist in the first place, the enemy is down on the battleground one should be able to keep hitting and plunder away the gold of the dying enemy. No more loophole, strongest players with best attack/defense stats, pieces of equipment, enchantments, pots and activities win. Plain and simple.
  14. Summer war is no longer about coordinating assault, studying opponent clan warring history, exploiting opponents builds, formulating sweeping and pinning strategies. U no longer need gd bfa, Gd equipments and hell u do not even need spells cus u will be dtw (by any means possible) entire war anyway.

    Only thing u need to know about warring or need to do is stay awake and keep troops below 20% while trying to find opponents tat is not doing so.

    Soon u hav 1 hitter builds with 49 osf and noob accs winning a war with say 10b vs 2b for 24hrs duration. Anyone who can't monitor his acc 24hrs shouldn't be warring. Cus u will be a liability if u can't fight from pinned all the way.

    Not against the war regulations but I'm not sure how many ppl will stay up to sweep a roster non stop for 24 hrs earning maybe 200mil lol

    Obviously not many clans wants to org a war with such clans. Nothing wrg with such tactics but jus plain boring if the entire roster can stay dtw throughout. Might as well switch back to KAEB.
  15. Players will always find a way to exploit facets if this game unfortunately. Developers need to self exploit game for flaws and correct before release.

    As far as self-pinning or turtle warring, at least it's a viable tactic. It's nothing new and self pin has always been used. At least during these wars outside hits aren't allowed so clan is forced to pin their own to protect plunder leaks. I'll admit it may make war boring but there's always plunder, you gotta sweep and find it.

    Hopefully developers find a way to limit turtle and the zero stat situation. We all here to have fun but want to win also. As long as the goal is to win some will finds ways to exploit what they can. If developers can make it so players aren't DTW for extended periods, experienced players will adapt and still play on. 
  16. Yeah why not do away with dtw for war So once you die you die within the confines of that war and can't do anything til its over. Last clan standing wins A BIGGER PRIZE than what they give now (so that people want to war ) And everyone
    should have to put up gold for ADDITIONAL stakes to be won .
  17. This is not a thread about removing DTW, that's a discussion for another time.

    The whole problem with this is, it completely defeated the purpose of a tournament war altogether, if you can only make decent plunder off 18 players out of 50, you're doomed to lose.

    The 18 proper builds are obviously the dedicated ones going to stay awake for the full 24hrs, so good luck catching them out of pin, and all the while they have 32 tiny builds scout bombing opponent Spies and pinning their own.

    In many games their are loopholes to be found, just because the Devs don't know about them to put it into TOU or whatever version of rules the game has, doesn't mean it's not cheating.

    How is doing something like this a GOOD war strategy? Devs are trying to revive wars here in KaW and all some people want to do is think of a way to fiddle with the rules just to get ahead.

    How do some people say "great war strategy" I'd rather lose knowing I fought well than win like this.
  18. Just make it so if you hit from max troops can earn 10 times more plunder than when you hit from pin, this will encourage people to stay high
  19. I want a plunder thing
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