DL....the osf favor winner. You can try to spin it any way you want,KAW doesnt care. Zaft fury breaking down while you hit clanless barcodes.(sigh) Zafties dropping pots and allies. Great strategy.
Didn't say he saved, just said he caught a strip or two. Why twist the words? Also why is there so much butt hurt over clan less barcodes?
It's because they don't know how it works. If Larry was to hit bc for favours he would've not made it to even top 1k lol but it's especially amusing when coming from a guy who fail scouts me while my troops are up..yes yes I'm talking about u jack lol
Sure spy..troops up. Right. No twist of words. DL HITS clanless barcodes to win "PvP" event congrats. Lol
Btw top 1k is nothing to achieve. Top 500 again easily done. Top 100 lots of time n Xtals Top 10 well everyone knows that answer
Do your own work it feels better that way FYI i know ur silenced but do u feel the need to copy a post above u outta habit?