Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Very interesting, I'd like 1v1 Estoc with one or no crystals to be an option, I think that is the fairest way because you wont let anyone down but yourself if you're inactive. Support
  2. It would sure help people like me (no xstals, no way of sitting down for 2 hours straight)
  3. Support. 
  4. Sounds great!! Love the idea 
  5. I think 3v3 would be awesome :) or even 5v5
  6. Good idea
  7. Looks like a good idea... Support!

  8. @ mucky the only reason I set initial limits 1v1 and poss tag team is due to ease of match ups.
    If these were successful it maybe worth a trial of 3v3 and 5v5 but my concern is the matchup issues that could be created with multiple players each team. 1v1 could in theory create 100's of matches during the day with half those involved obtaining mith. Certainly better odds than wars at present relying on others actions to gain your mith in a mismatch no match scenario.
    But any extra mith payout scenario should benefit us all IMO.
    Ty again for feedback and support to all on thread.
  9. This is a great idea full support!
  10. Any more than 2v2 would be massacre and easy to manipulate. Hook up two of your alts, one SoS/Vol hansel, one T4/T5 attack build, and just destroy the other team easily. 1v1 would be a lot more fun with a lot more strategy involved.
  11. I love the idea of a 1v1, full support NW.

  13. What if there's friends and help each other by losing some matches so the other can get mith?
    It has been seen through call of duty games players would agree on boosting. Also what if your matched with your alt ?

    But support 
  14. Nice, I like it. But as ^^^ said, easily abused..

    But still, support.
  15. Sounds great! Support!
  16. Devs would control match ups. Yes are there are possible exploits but that would hopefully be rare due to sign ups and if taken up a large sign up would significantly reduce the risk of alts or friends. Likewise the chance for a return match would be reduced by the random matchups increasing hopefully the participants desire to win their mith and ee tokens whilst they have the opportunity.
    Run alongside wars this could open all aspects of mith and ee to every player. It would be largely up to the devs and community to restrict whether this was abused and give us all an extra opportunity other than having to war at set times.
    If we want mith available readily then here's your chance to get it.
  17. Oops on typo didn't post properly first 3 attempts but you get the idea.