 Knights of the Fire Emblem

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xioxas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Don't call it a comeback, they've been here for years.
  2. Long live the KotFE grinders.
  3. Omg you are so right!
  4. No sure if there is enough  emojis,clan spam,or phone game lord role play on this thread
  5. Bippity Boppity Bump
  6. This clan is pretty good
  7. (((((KOTFE))))))
  8. why so many bumps? 
  9. ^this
  10. Bumpers to the great KotFe
  11. Coffee hmmm nice cartoon characters it fits u guys
  12. I want coffee I'll take a black coffee highly caffeinated with a shot of espresso in it
  13. Its awesome going through this thread and seeing the evolution, not only of KoTFE, but of KaW itself. I wasn't here from the beginning but have heard the stories. To actually see an example of it though is definitely cool though.

    Support! And Bump!
  14. I was confused why the cs requirements were so low then I looked at when it was made.
  15.  best comment I've seen on this thread so far, still only in the mid 600s 
  16. it is awesome to see this. I've been looking for the clan forums of the old days. I'm stoked I gotto see this. Much respect KotFE 