What's the mood? can i tell the truth? if i was doin this for you then I'd have nothing left to prove. Nah. This for me though. I'm just trying to BUMP this thread and show love for my people. They ain't got no reward for that.
What's the point in continuing to bump this? It offers nothing and all you see is bump or people saying respect.
No matter how old it is, it is still a recruitment thread for KotFE. It shows you how long they have been around and how over time they have gained a lot of members, along with their respect. KotFE isn't just a clan you join to hit ebs in. In fact, EBs weren't even around when they were formed. Joining KotFE gives you a whole other family to chat while you survive the crazy game that is kaw. These bonds are forged in more than just chit chat, but blood and iron they fight together with. People pay homage to the thread to remind themselves how far they've come. Not all members have been playing for as long as they've been around. I myself just started KaW 8 months after its creation and even then I didn't join untila couple years ago. In the end though, it reminds you of your first days. It's more than just bumping a thread, but reliving a joyous memory.
You know what you did? You just bumped it. Do not spoil thread, either pay the respect they earned, or quietly leave thank you!
Zeta. A few things 1. I didn't join KOTFE when it formed but I was KOTFE for two years. And there is a respect and family nature there that nobody in a clan that allows random people in for seals. 2. There is nothing wrong with bumping and or showing respect to a great clan on a epic thread. 3. Next time you want to talk about KOTFE, make sure you pay better I don't want my friends over there getting bored
This isn't even the oldest clan yet they need a thread when their clans pretty much full? If they were actually recruiting then yes that would make this worth a bump every now and then. The only clan they are recruiting in is the other one that I forgot the name of. But they have another thread. And btw "try again" that's cute, try to act more bad ass. K Thx bye