To my family true and strong. Still proud to be here. You all are amazing. Glad to see we are still around and thriving. I love my family and I will never be anywhere else. MaCHiNEs built KotFE tough
I am glad to part of this great family.My brothers and sisters have seen me through a lot.I'll be KotFE for life. If being a MaCHiNE is wrong I don't wanna be right
I remember on my old account when i walled new people telling them to put my referral code in. Was round about the time this clan started
Defender, this is back in 2010. In 2010, if you had 200k you were a god. I remember when xyz or whatever was on the leaderboard with like 1mp million CS
Crazy reading the first comments how the op didn't think clan would grow lol.. Well it did successfully as hell