 Knights of the Fire Emblem

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xioxas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Lol this reminds me of how stats were back when I created my clan and makes me feel better for having a 100k stats min. Awesome clan.
  2. Support

    They got some real warriors there.
  3. You may not like them. But you gotta respect em
  4.  Awesome clan. Loving CC right now. Lol
  5. Huge respect for this clan, I've had the opportunity to war along side of them, sure wouldn't wanna face them in battle,
  6. KotFE For Life
  7. I love the characters and I love playing fire emblem I might pop in and sit around
  8. Igcb make me stop then loser
  9. So I would be a Cavalier Assassin? Or an Assassin Cavalier?
  10. Machines_machine should be made a lord. Bump
  11. Ah the good old days of Fire emblem....I suddenly feel like taking a two hour drive just to get the game.........
  12. I just have to say:

    I have spent the last couple of hours reading every post on every page of this thread and researching all of the original members and posters.

    It's the best thread on this entire game, in terms of absolutely everything. It is rich in KaW history!

    I am so proud to be a part of this clan and hope to be part of the new history and long future of

  13. I did the same thing about a year ago. several are still playing. KotFE certainly has a rich history. besides you won't find the funny stuff in the forums. you just have to be here.